Helen Gurley Brown no seu escritório na Vogue
40 anos antes do “
Sexo e a Cidade” se tornar um fenómeno, Helen Gurley Brown, chefe de reportagem da revista
Vogue entre 1965 e 1997, defendia que o prazer no sexo não era exclusivo dos homens, lutou pela liberdade sexual feminina é a titular da celebre frase “as boas raparigas vão para o céu, as más vão para todo o lado”. Com o
best seller “Sexo e a Rapariga Solteira”, os seus conselhos diretos e honestos sobre relações, carreira profissional e beleza revolucionaram a indústria das revistas femininas. De estatura baixa, ar frágil e cabelo sempre pintado, gostava de usar grandes joias, meias de rede e vestidos curtos, comia salada com as mãos porque achava sexy e tinha como maior ídolo Cleópatra.
Alguns conselhos de Helen Gurley Brown::
Why single women shouldn’t avoid the archetypal Don Juan - "
He’ll certainly break your heart and will likely give you some sort of awful venereal disease, but dating a Don Juan is worth the trouble. “
No girl is really ready for marriage, I believe, until she has weathered the rigors of a romance with a Don Juan. It’s part of her training…”;
Why the workplace may be the best place to meet your bachelor of choice - “
A girl in love with her boss will knock herself out seven days a week and wish there were more days. Tough on her but fabulous for business!”;
So what do men find sexy in a woman? (Hint: a sexy woman doesn’t “fake it”.) – “…
it’s that a sexy woman is quite simply a “woman who enjoys sex.”; “
Being sexy means that you accept all the parts of your body as worthy and lovable...your reproductive organs, your breasts, your alimentary tract,”; ..
If she naturally enjoys “being sexy within herself,” the more likely she will be “able to enjoy sex.”…
Remember, frigidity isn’t a physical disability, It’s a curable state of mind.”
Yes, it’s a cliche, but sometimes the best way to a man’s heart (or into his pants) is through his stomach.
Whatever you do, don’t let your arms get flabby – “
Your workout routine need not necessarily be grueling, and bear in mind that you might even garner male attention during the act; “The
rest of the exercise-program-you-can-live-withcalls for a three-to-five-mile walk every week”
In defense of cozying up with a married man - “
have a definite place in the life of a single woman - as friends and confidants, occasionally as dates and once in a great while as lovers (if they live thousands of miles from you and promise only to visit once or twice a year!)”
Remember that the key to happiness in the single life lies in the journey, not the destination - “
you may marry or you may not. In today’s world that is no longer the big question for women”… “
life will be “
a good show...enjoy it from wherever you are, whether it’s two in the balcony or one on the aisle—don’t miss any of it.”